Introducing MedPass, a Subscription Powered by HealthBird

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November 21, 2023

Health insurance is an indispensable aspect of self-care. It brings peace of mind by dramatically reducing out-of-pocket expenses, both for routine health screenings and emergency care. Still, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

While health insurance is primarily for treating health problems, our new product, MedPass, is all about keeping them from happening in the first place.

A MedPass plan is like a subscription to self-care

MedPass is an affordable way to access a wide range of services designed to help you stay healthy and feel your best. It’s an addition to traditional health insurance plans, not a replacement.

The membership-based model helps subscribers to improve their fitness, optimize nutrition, stay on top of their mental health, and schedule quick, easy telehealth visits at the push of a button.

MedPass offer countless, easy-access benefits, including:

  • On-demand access to telehealth appointments with board-certified doctors and providers
  • Weekly check-ins through AI-driven technology to analyze anxiety and depression
  • Personalized nutrition meal plans
  • Unlimited virtual fitness classes that can be done at home, no gym membership needed
  • ClassPass credits to test out in-person fitness classes for free

Signing up for it is a breeze, and using it is even easier. The MedPass experience is intuitive and simplistic. Navigation couldn’t be easier.

When you sign up for MedPass, you’re joining a community

MedPass’s membership-based model provides exclusive access to a network of amazing health and wellness resources in just one subscription. Join a growing community of people focused on wellness and building a healthy lifestyle. The sense of connection empowers MedPass members to make self-care a priority, not an afterthought.

MedPass memberships starting at less than $50 a month

MedPass Standard - Telehealth, Behavioral Health, and Rx Discount Card

MedPass Premier -  Telehealth, Behavioral Health, Rx Discount Card, Fitness, Nutrition, Behavioral Health Assessments, and ClassPass

MedPass Premier + -  Telehealth, Behavioral Health, RX Discount Card, Fitness, Nutrition, Behavioral Health Assessments, and ClassPass with Additional ClassPass benefits

Pick a plan that matches your current lifestyle and goals. If your needs change, you can pick a new plan at any time.

Join the waitlist today

Be one of the first to experience the great benefits of a MedPass membership and take it for a spin. For exclusive pop-up events and rewards, don’t forget to follow us on social.

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