Special Enrollment Sign up Made Easy
Seize the moment even when life changes.

One-stop destination to compare and shop for your next insurance plan.
Do You Qualify for Special Enrollment Period?
If you have experienced any of these qualifying life events, you may be eligible for to purchase health insurance during SEP.

I recently moved.

My household size recently changed.

My citizenship or immigration status recently changed.

I recently lost or expect to lose health insurance.

I was recently released from incarceration.
How It Works:
the Key Takeaways
Determine your Qualifying Life Event (QLE)
The common QLEs, such as marriage, childbirth, or job loss, are necessary to be eligible for purchasing a plan during SEP. Contact our licensed specialists at (833) 384-2473 for assistance.
Apply within 60 days
After a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) you usually have 60 days to apply for new coverage or make changes to a current one.
Gov’ts financial support
Get coverage outside of the typical enrollment window and receive the govt’s financial support to lower your monthly payments.

Unsure about QLE? Let's Talk
When life happens, there are still options to get affordable coverage to protect yourself and your family.

We Simplifies Special Enrollment
Process for You
It takes less than 8 minutes to apply.

Tell us about your QLE

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Pick a plan that fits your needs

Submit your application

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*Get free access to the app when enrolled in any insurance product through HealthBird.
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at Your Service
HealthBird provides expert level support to help you get health insurance coverage when your life takes a major turn.
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